Book review of Wish I could tell you (Book byDurjoy Datta) by Jamila Neemuchwala 

A book that has romance at its very core but one that has a lot more to offer than just a regular cliche romance. It narrates a powerful story in simple language and is packed with intense emotions, strong characters, and highly unexpected twists. It’s a simple book that can be easily picked by a beginner-level reader. Not see only beginners but also voracious readers and fiction lovers will like it. The storyline is- Ananth believes in all good things and he manages to find that good in everyone he comes across, driven by an intense urge to help those in need he joins, a fundraising organisation that works for the benefit of unprivileged and needy. Mohini is a woman who is looking for a story, she wants to write but still hasn’t found the character that she wants to write about until now nobody had seemed interesting enough to charm the writer in her she also finds herself in the world of however the lives of Ananth and Mohini overlap but this isn’t everything that is in the story.

Wish I could tell you tells us a story where real gets mixed up with fake, reality with illusion, and the virtual world with the physical one. It shows us the good, the bad, and the ugly side of the World and is also a captivating story of unrelenting love.

How good are the characters?

Everyone has a different personality but at some point has the same way of seeing the world, the transformations they undergo are perfect, and there can be a lot of different perspectives .The author’s style of writing is a contemporary theme an intriguing mystery, new age romance, a lot of moral lessons, independent characters, burning emotions, and different styles to show it, the author is subtle in presenting his skills and the entertainment in the book.

What did I like?

I like the character and independence of Anusha (a character in the book) and how she stays smart and helps Gautam, Gautam is a person who is spreading hate on the internet and is accused of many things in the book. There is a spiral of twists that manages to not tired you or bore you and when you just go through it BOOM! right in the middle of the book everything changes and lefts you stunned.

What I did not like was Anusha’s past, and traumatic behavior because of it and the hurting wasn’t seen properly and was clouded by the way she was handling it rude and mean.

Is the climax good enough?

When it comes to the climax of romance couldn’t tell you much without giving the spoilers, the thing which is worth mentioning is that the book manages to hold the suspense right till the end, it does leave a reader with a lot of questions and is open to interpretations.

In the end

The book is sweet and will not fail to impress and one would surely love the beauty it holds, it takes its own sweet time to grow on you but when it does you will not able to hold yourself back from the turning the pages, it is unique and hold a powerful taste and is amazing to read.


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