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We Are Empowrclub

We value the written word a lot to not celebrate it. We bring you a reading community that talks about books and art inspired by them. You can find your way to book recommendations, book clubs, author interviews, podcasts, and so much more with a single tap. Empowr Club is the product of a reader’s vision, aspiring to reach the hearts of others. We aim to bring together readers who can bond over books and authors willing to talk about their writings. Because if not through conversations, then how would stories flow?

Empowr Audio

We value the written word a lot to not celebrate it. We bring you a reading community that talks about books and art inspired by them. You can find your way to book recommendations, book clubs, author interviews, podcasts, and so much more with a single tap. Empowr Club is the product of a reader’s vision, aspiring to reach the hearts of others. We aim to bring together readers who can bond over books and authors willing to talk about their writings. Because if not through conversations, then how would stories flow?

Empowr Video

We value the written word a lot to not celebrate it. We bring you a reading community that talks about books and art inspired by them. You can find your way to book recommendations, book clubs, author interviews, podcasts, and so much more with a single tap. Empowr Club is the product of a reader’s vision, aspiring to reach the hearts of others. We aim to bring together readers who can bond over books and authors willing to talk about their writings. Because if not through conversations, then how would stories flow?


We value the written word a lot to not celebrate it. We bring you a reading community that talks about books and art inspired by them. You can find your way to book recommendations, book clubs, author interviews, podcasts, and so much more with a single tap. Empowr Club is the product of a reader’s vision, aspiring to reach the hearts of others. We aim to bring together readers who can bond over books and authors willing to talk about their writings. Because if not through conversations, then how would stories flow?