Psychology of colours


Colour is a powerful communication tool that has the potential to convey action, affect emotion, and even affect physiological responses. When it comes to instructional material, the colour psychology have been shown to play a vital function in eliciting various emotional responses and engaging learners’ attention.

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Colours serve two major purposes. The first one is to assist someone in processing things intellectually i.e. to affect a learner’s cognition whereas, the second one is to influence a learner’s emotions, such as his attitudes and motivation. Also, they play an important role in creating an atmosphere that promotes learning.

Research shows that each colour has an impact on our psychology and actions due to which our opinions about colours are quite personal and influenced by our past experiences. For example, colours such as red, orange and yellow are termed “warm colours” that evoke emotions such as anger, love and rage.

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Such colours are also preferred in making symbols that evoke consciousness such as danger, hazard etc. Also, while reading, the colour orange is preferred as it enhances comfort along with neurological functioning. An atmosphere with a lot of orange colours enhances the cerebral activity and lowers inhibition.

Whereas, colours such as blue, purple, and green are often termed “cool colours” that are conceived as soothing.

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A perfect example is a green colour which represents long-term attention and clarity. Many people attribute the green colour to nature which provokes growth and sustainability. Blue is best used for a great learning experience as it helps in comprehension. However, it also depicts sadness and something unexpected. The purple colour is commonly attributed to honour, knowledge, imagination, and magic. It is widely preferred in genres that involve fantasy.

Colour psychology for influencing purchasing

Another aspect of colour psychology is its tendency to influence the purchasing behaviour of a consumer. Your choice of colours while making purchases may reveal something about the kind of image you may be attempting to convey. From the clothes you wear to the automobile you drive, your preferences may sometimes convey how we want other people to perceive us.

Source: Internet

For example, black colour is generally described as a “dominant”, and hence it is mostly preferred among the premium customers. People frequently describe it as sensual, strong and intriguing.

Colour psychology as Therapy

Colour psychology often is leveraged as a therapy which helps in improving mental health. This practice is termed “chromotherapy” which has been practised by many prehistoric societies including the Egyptians and the Chinese. In this, the visible spectrum or the visible light is used to that triggers the brain in order to stimulate life-sustaining physiological activities such as the nervous system and the endocrine system.

Source: Internet

For example, the yellow colour stimulates the nerves which helps in improving physical activities such as walking. Similarly, the blue colour helps in relieving pain during any injury. Patients who were treated with chromotherapy showed better improvement in their overall health and hence even in the current era of technological innovation, this ancient technique is preferred as a holistic treatment of mental health. 


Choosing the right colour along with its correct placement has a significant impact on our life. Colour signals increase memory as it is easy to recall colourful visuals rather than black and white images. That sounds interesting, isn’t it? If you are looking for more interesting information well, you are at the right place!


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